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The Continued Existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans

© Joakim Odelberg

Tanzania is home to iconic wildlife including the largest land mammals – the African elephant and rhinos. In recent years, these species have been under increased pressure due to reduced habitat and demand for ivory and rhino horn. Rising poaching levels threaten the future of these animals

Why Does It Matter

Wildlife are crucial to nature's delicate web of life. Yet their biggest threats are due to human activities such as habitat loss and overexploitation through illegal trade both local and international.
Wildlife is also essential for tourism in Tanzania and benefits local communities living around protected areas as well as the broader economy

What is WWF Doing?

We are working towards  the maintance of an ecological entegrity that supports the livelihoods of people with increased populations of selected endangered species and their habitats

Did you Know?

Tanzania is home to some 20 percent of the species of Africa’s large mammal population, found across its reserves, conservation areas, marine parks, and 17 national parks, spread over an area of more than 42,000 square kilometres (16,000 sq mi) and forming approximately 38 percent of the country's territory.

What Can you Do

When we take care of our wildlife we safeguard our heritage for us and our future generation
